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A meeting will be held on Tuesday 6th October at 6.30pm via the Virtual Zoom Platform to discuss the following planning application:

Proposal Replace existing extension with a single storey extension and decking to rear Location 25 Lucker Road Bamburgh NE69 7BS
Applicant Mr & Mrs Jamie Percy
Application No. 20/02819/FUL
Case Officer North Area Team

Anyone wishing to participate in this meeting must email their details to the Clerk at by no later than Monday 5th October.

A link and password will then be sent on Tuesday 6th October so you can access the meeting virtually, there will be a time limit to speak of 2 minutes. (if you do wish to speak please let the Clerk know this so she can organise timings)

Alternatively if do not wish to participate but you wish to make a comment/objection and would like this considered at this meeting please email the Clerk with details by no later than Friday 3rd October. 

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