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For information ;-



Christopher Collison BA(Hons) MBA MRTPI MIED MCMI IHBC

By email to Jill Hall, Parish Clerk, North Sunderland Parish Council (as lead Parish Council and Qualifying Body) and to Rob Naples, Planning Officer, Northumberland County Council (Copy to David English, Planning Manager, Neighbourhood Planning and Infrastructure, Northumberland County Council).

Dated 19 February 2018

Dear Jill and Rob

North Northumberland Coast Neighbourhood Plan Independent Examination

Further to my email of 5 February 2018 (which I requested should be posted on the Parish Council and County Council websites). I am writing to provide you with an update with respect to my progress in undertaking the Independent Examination of the North Northumberland Coast Neighbourhood Development Plan. I request this further email should be posted on the websites also.

I have read through the Plan documents, much of the supporting evidence, and the representations submitted, and visited the Plan area spending the equivalent of a day in each of the three Parishes covered by the Plan. I have made good progress in preparing my report. I have not, to date, identified any critical omissions or failings that would mean the Plan could not proceed to referendum.

The Plan is comprehensive in nature covering a wide range of topics and there appears to be good quality evidence to support the policies. I have identified a small number of policies that will require my further detailed consideration. I am seeking clarification of the term “the settlement boundary methodology and reports” in paragraph 4.40 of the Neighbourhood Plan. At this stage I do not intend to call a hearing although I must reserve the ability to do so if I subsequently consider this to be necessary. If there are any matters that require a written clarification I will write to both the lead Parish Council and the County Council.

My best estimate is that I will be able to work through the outstanding issues within a few days from clarification of the position regarding settlement boundary reports.

As soon as it is prepared, it is my intention to send a confidential draft of my report to both the lead Parish Council and to the County Council. If either Council share the draft with other parties please ensure the confidential nature of the draft is made clear. I will be sending the draft report for fact checking only, so that I may correct any errors of fact. I normally ask for a response within a few days and this has usually been found to be sufficient. This procedure should not be seen as an opportunity to make further representations. Indeed, it is important that this should not occur as if I were to take into consideration further representations made after the period for representations has closed, this could leave the process open to successful challenge.

I would be grateful if both the lead Parish Council and the County Council could confirm agreement to be given the opportunity to undertake a fact check of my confidential draft report on the terms set out in this email.


Chris Collison

Planning and Management Ltd

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